
Thursday, January 05, 2017

Lick a pineapple, it tastes like a pineapple!

A pineapple cake inspired by my Sister's pineapple wall. Yes, pineapple wall. She has a wall in her house covered with pineapple decals because she loves Charlie & the Chocolate factory and it reminds her of the lickable wallpaper. Her wall is not lickable though - at least not to my knowledge, I haven't tried.

Would you believe a pineapple cake tutorial already exists and a very entertaining one at that! Thank you Yolanda at How to Cake It

I largely followed the tutorial but I made my own pineapple mould using a silicone plastique putty kit. First time I've tried this stuff but I'll be making moulds of everything from now on. You get two putties in the kit, a white one and a blue one, and all you do is knead together equal parts and cover your object with it. It takes about an hour to cure and ta-da, you've got your mould :)

As per the tutorial I covered my cake in a thin layer of fondant, then used my mould to texture smaller pieces and stick them together like a jigsaw on to the cake. I should have paid more attention during this part! The real pineapple is fairly uniform in its pattern but my cake version, not so much. No time to do it again, I pressed on hoping it would look better once it had some colour. 

I used a pair of nail scissors (reserved for cakes only, never used on nails!) to bring out the spiky bit, whatever that's called. Then I used food colouring to paint my pineapple. Sadly the colour was also a rush job after I realised we were seeing my sister a day earlier then I thought, doh!  

To top things off (literally) I couldn't create the leaves in the time I had left so I cheated. I chopped the top off my real pineapple and used a wooden skewer to attach it to the cake. Is that cheating or using my initiative? ;)

I also experimented with the flavour on this cake. I soaked the sponge with a pineapple simple syrup and added pineapple juice to the buttercream. Obviously not enough as neither tasted very much of pineapple but maybe that was a good thing, I'm not sure if this little one is a fan of pineapple yet. She's definitely a fan of cake!

I placed the cake on to a plate instead of a cake board to see if I could trick my sister. I think for a brief second she wondered why I'd brought her a pineapple on a plate but a closer inspection gave it away.

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