And maybe I cheated a little...

The tops of my turrets are ice cream cones dipped in pink candy melts and covered with sprinkles (a whole pot of sprinkles). South Park shot glasses came in handy when leaving them to dry. I used the same glasses to squash the top of the kitchen roll allowing the cones to sit snugly, secured in place with a little buttercream. I was wise enough to make more cones then needed as two crumbled in the process.
A castle has to be high! This cake is three layers of madeira sponge sandwiched together with pink buttercream icing and jam. This is it with its pink crumb coat. For anyone unfamiliar with cake terms as I once was, the crumb coat is a very thin layer of icing that traps any loose crumbs, and helps to give a smooth surface before the applying the final layer of icing or fondant.

The slices were generous but expertly cut by Nanny Maggie one slice served two people.
Ideally, I would have liked to add more finishing touches such as flags and a princess but I ran out of time. Nevertheless it got Connie's seal of approval and that's all that matters :)