Welcome to 'The Cake Escape', my name is Cheryl and I like to bake :)
I can't remember when I started baking but it's only within the last year I've progressed in to new realms and that's why I've created this blog; to keep a record of my creations and view my progress. Who knows, maybe I'll inspire some fellow novices out there.
I'm not a professional baker. The cakes I bake are for my family or friends and on the odd occasion my colleagues (if they're lucky). I give them as gifts, or as random treats when I'm experimenting with a new recipe or technique. The idea of turning a passion in to a career sounds perfect but as I'm getting in to my thrities, the thought of starting a new profession is just too daunting and I believe I wouldn't enjoy baking half as much if it was work.
I am self taught learning by trial and error. I like trying new things so I search the web for inspiration, see something I like and give it a go. However, I am a perfectionist so this can result in minor tantrums when things don't go to plan. Fortunately, my Mr Chris is always on hand; He can make me laugh at myself and has been known to help with the odd fondant nightmare. Not only this, he is my personal photographer always on hand to capture my latest creations.
As you'll see, my cakes aren't perfect and I'm not a particularly good writer, so this blog won't compare to others out there. Still I hope my family and friends enjoy following my creations and if they can inspire someone out there to try something new that'd be great too.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago